15 Desember 2012

Jellyfish Entertainment - Because It's Christmas


That’s All I can say when I saw this MV. 

Jadi Jellyfish Entertainment ini membuat Christmas Song dengan beberapa anggota management mereka. Yang isinya adalah cowo” bersuara GANTENG. Pokoknya kalo udah urusan suara GANTENG, wajah urusan belakang lah. We know it all Tuhan itu adil. Jarang ada yang perfect, dikasih suara dan muka yang bagus. Hahaha

But for me, orang” Jellyfish ini really my type. Kaya Seo In Guk yang unyu banget, Lee Seok Hoon yang ga kalah unyu, Sung Si Kyung dan Park Hyo Shin yang walaupun udah tua tapi tetap adorable..

Dan ada yang baru di sini.. VIXX. Not really a rookie, tapi gw ga terlalu perhatiin sebelumnya. Dan ga pake boong, di sini semuanya luar biasa.. Especially Hong Bin dan N.. Senyumnya ga nahann...


Lagunya juga sweet banget.. Silahkan di cek. :D

cr : Jellyfishenter

      Translation : (cr : http://popgasa.com)
I feel a bit different today (feeling)
Now it feels like it’s time (love you)
The timing is perfect as it starts to snow (now it’s falling)
It feels like things will go well today
The couples look happy on each white street
How do you feel? Do you feel the same as I do?
Shall we start dating?

* Is today okay? Will my heart be expressed to you?
Like the falling white snow, will I be able to touch you?
I will confess all of my hidden heart to you
Because today is Christmas
Honestly, you expected it a little too
You laugh as if you don’t know
Even that seems so loveable to me
* Repeat
Among the many people
I only see you in my eyes
My outfit’s good, my hair is good, my face is not bad
I only waited for today and it’s even snowing
I clearly practiced my lines and my footsteps have already reached in front of you
Your Christmas gift this year is me, the cutie Rudolph boy
It’s today, Merry Christmas, I will become a bit braver
Because I might lose you if this moment passes
The genuine heart feels even more genuine
Because today is Christmas
You and me forever Christmas Love

Cakra Khan - Harus Terpisah

Ini bukan lagu baru. Tapi belum ketinggalan juga kan kalo di post sekarang..

Jadi, belakangan tiap hari pasti gw denganTIDAK SENGAJA menonton acara DASHYAT di RCTI sambil sarapan. (Yeah, karena acara pagi kalo ga ini, ya gosip, atau berita.) That’s how i find this song.


Dan lagunya ternyata not bad. Bahkan sekarang cuci otak, tanpa sadar suka nyanyi” sendiri -.-‘

Silahkan di cek sendiri :D

cr :  MyMusicManagement

        Lyric :  (cr : http://liriklaguindonesia.net/)
Sendiri sendiri ku diam, diam dan merenung
Merenungkan jalan yang kan membawaku pergi
Pergi tuk menjauh, menjauh darimu
Darimu yang mulai berhenti, berhenti mencoba
Mencoba bertahan, bertahan untuk terus bersamaku

Ku berlari, kau terdiam, ku menangis, kau tersenyum
Ku berduka, kau bahagia, ku pergi, kau kembali
Ku mencoba meraih mimpi, kau coba tuk hentikan mimpi
Memang kita takkan menyatu
Bayangkan bayangkan ku hilang, hilang tak kembali
Kembali untuk mempertanyakan lagi cinta
Cintamu yang mungkin, mungkin tak berarti
Berarti untukku rindukan
Ku berlari, kau terdiam, ku menangis, kau tersenyum
Ku berduka, kau bahagia, ku pergi, kau kembali
Ku mencoba meraih mimpi, kau coba tuk hentikan mimpi
Memang kita takkan menyatu
Kini harusnya kita coba saling melupakan
Lupakan kita pernah bersama

Ku berlari, kau terdiam, ku menangis, kau tersenyum
Ku berduka, kau bahagia, ku pergi, kau kembali
Ku mencoba meraih mimpi, kau coba tuk hentikan mimpi
Memang kita takkan menyatu

03 Desember 2012

Late Birthday

This is so late since my birthday is a month ago..

But i got really touched with my friends personal blog'gift'post..

check it ---> click

Thank you Tina, I miss you and others.. Really :'(

My Next Step of Life

Well, sebenernya ini post yang ga penting. I just wanna share some of my experience..

Sebenernya, gw merasa bahwa gw telah salah ambil keputusan. Sayangnya, gw baru meyadari nya belom lama ini. Dan pada akhirnya, I can't do anything but to bear with it for a while.

So, mulai Oktober kemarin gw akhirnya ditrima bekerja di sebuah perusahaan dengan job title yang lumayan. Dari awal sebelum lulus, gw slalu berpikir, 'ah kayanya gw ga bakal kerja di major gw (Interior Design)'. So, gw mulai apply" ke lowongan yang bukan interior design tapi masih nyerempet. Dan akhirnya, gw pun diterima di perusahaan ini. Sesungguhnya, sebelum gw interview disini, gw ditawarin temen gw buat kerja di perusahaan lain yang adalah konsultan & kontraktor. Tapi dalam pikiran gw, coba aja interview ini dulu, baru apply ke sana. Dan ternyata, hasil interview cukup berpeluang. So, I end up not applied di perusahaan yang ditawari temen gw dengan alasan, di sini lebih deket dan salary nya lebih gede.

Gw ga pernah membayangkan pada saat gw keluar jalur gw akan merasa bahwa ilmu yang gw dapat saat kuliah itu sia". But damn, saat ini gw kerja di bagian yang nyerempet dengan profesi gw. Di mana gw harus berhubungan dengan orang" dengan background seperti gw yang bekerja di lapangan (baca: profesi yang dulu gw hindari). Dan pada saat ini juga, gw nyesel. Ya, nyesel. Banget.

Kenapa gw harus milih kerjaan ini? Well, manusia emang ga pernah puas. Yang pasti pada saat ini gw pengen banget nge-design. Dan minimnya experience gw bikin gw ga bisa memahami kerjaan gw saat ini. Rekan gw sempet bilang,"harusnya kamu masuk konsultan dulu." Dan jujur gw akuin itu bener. Tapi sekarang semua udah terlanjur dan ga mungkin bisa balik lagi.

Jadi, buat temen - temen semua yang baru dan akan lulus atau sekarang belum kerja juga setelah lulus, that's your luck. Karena kalian punya kesempatan buat memilih pekerjaan yang sesuai dengan keinginan kalian. Jujur saat gw ambil kerjaan ini, gw masih bimbang kemana gw bakal melangkah, profesi apa yang gw mau, dan gw takut ga dapet" kerja. Makanya begitu diterima, i take it.

Mungkin gw ga bakal lama ada di bidang ini. Sekarang gw cuma bisa jadiin ini pelajaran aja, ilmu yang bisa gw terapkan saat gw mulai mencari lagi jalan yang baru buat masa depan gw. That's life. You can't predict what will happen, you just have to through it well.. I know this is just a start, i don't know where i will finish it..

02 Desember 2012

Hello, December!!

Woahh.. it's been a month i haven't share anything here..

Well,i'm kind of busy with my job and my life too. Hehehe..

A lot of things happened in a month. And one thing,that i'm getting older. Hmm.. well,not just in age but i think i got older in my character too..

Another than that,i've watched 4 minutes concert last month. That's a wonderful experience, i'm so lucky i can be there. And i've finished another drama and books too..

I will share it one by one,but just be patient. I'm still trying to get used with my activities so i seldom used my laptop too.. i miss it :(

Even this week i haven't used my laptop..

I miss my friends,too..

My college life and everything..

But here i am, getting older and already starts a next step of life. I just have to be used with it,right?

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.2

10 September 2012

Seafood Terrace, Sunter

Few months ago, i had a family dinner at Terrace Seafood. For those who lives in Sunter maybe familiar with this place. It’s located near the lake,and across Sunlake Hotel. 

The place is good, we can choose the seat with the view of lake. But because we have a lot of people,so they gave us a VIP area which has AC and TV. 

Nasinya bakulan

For the price, it quite expensive. Yeah,maybe because not only the food that they sell but also the scenery. Here are some of our orders.

 Saus Padang’s Seafood.  Udang, Kepiting, dan Kerang Ijo.
I love the Sauce because it has egg there. Not spicy but it tasted okay.

My favourite : Keong Macan with Saus Padang. I always love this food.  Keongnya gak alot, dan bumbunya meresap banget. Tasty...

Udang Galah Bakar. Woaahh.. We were surprised look at this when it’s served. So big..
Udangnya manis,dan sausnya meresap banget. Enak. Tapi agak susah makannya kalo gak pake tangan..

Gurame Goreng Terbang (that’s what my mom said). Bentuknya memang seperti terbang. Tapi namanya cuma gurame goreng biasa. Ga pake terbang. I love it, crispy dan bumbunya meresap sampe ke daging ikannya..

Ikan baronang bakar. Ternyata ada bumbu cabe di atasnya. Tapi gak pedas dan ga bau kok. Malah menambah aroma dan rasa. Not bad.

Masih ada pesanan lain sih, cumi goreng tepung, cumi telur asin, dan seafood dengan saus tiram atau lada hitam.. Tapi karena terlalu banyak, gak difoto jadinya. But the taste was okay. Gak enak sekali tapi bukan gak enak jg. 

I reccomend Cumi Telur Asin.. Telur Asin nya berasa dan enak.. :9

07 September 2012

Dear You (Beloved) 친애하는 당신에게

Finally, after a long wait.. I can review this drama..
This drama was aired since I’m in the middle of my final project, so thanks for this drama that i can have some refreshment at that moment..

The first reason i attracted to this drama was the story line. I know that this kind of storyline would be good at the end of the drama. So i bear to watch it, even i want to stop in the middle.
Another reason, because of the main cast of course. Main hero is attarctive to me,so handsome. I think he’s the newcomer. :p

Park Sol Mi as Seo Chan Joo
Hong Jong Hyun as Go Jin Se
Kim Min Joon as Choi Eun Hyuk
Choi Ye Jin as Baek In Kyung
Bae Noo Ri as Hong Ran
Goo Bon Seung as Doo Han Soo
Park Shi Eun as Lee Myung Jin

Hong Jong Hyun as Go Jin Se

The plot:
Seo Chan Joo and Go Jin Se were married for 3 years. But,actually the reasons for the marriage was only because Chan Joo wanna give a revenge to her ex-boyfriend, Choi Eun Hyuk who married the other woman which is Chan Joo’s director. After 3 years, the couple Choi Eun Hyuk and Baek In Kyung are back with the problem of their family. Eun Hyuk meets Chan Joo, and decided to back with her.  Chan Joo who actually never forget Eun Hyuk got confused, while Jin Se meets younger girl which is his teacher’s daughter,Hong Ran.

So between Jin Se and Chan Joo start lying to each other to protect their feelings. But, actually they still love each other. The rest of the stories are telling about how they realize and finding their true feelings between each other. Chan Joo to Jin Se or Eun Hyuk, or Jin Se to Chan Joo to Hong Ran.

My thoughts:
I love the relationships between Jin Se and Chan Joo. Even Jin Se is younger, but i think they suit each other. I can feel the strong of Jin Se’s love to Chan Joo. But for Chan Joo, i don’t know if it’s her character or she had bad acting, i really can’t tell what her true feelings are until the last episode. Because she never cried out loud or looks very sad or happy.  But after i re-watch it again, we can see the happiness between her and Jin Se. So different when she was with Eun Hyuk.

For me, the story is not that good. The plot is so slow,and the story is a melodrama so not really amusing, even it’s confusing. But i cried almost every episodes,maybe because i ‘m the one who easily moved by something little too. But, the ending was not that desperate. So, i think this drama is worth for me to watch. Well, the conclusion is ‘this is the serious drama’. But, i love the chemistry between Chan Joo and Jin Se. :D