04 November 2014


Reblog from my other blog, woaahh this was my last year's post..

Happiness is as simple as...

1. You can have your friends when you need them
2. You can share anything with other and they shared you back
3. Got a free snack everyday at office
4. Arrived at office earlier (it happened these 2 days. Yeay!!)
5. Got something you love for a surprise
6. Found things you love
7. Got a smile from people
8. Smile at someone and they smiled you back
9. Wear the clothes that match your style, made you yourself
10. Eat delicious food
11. Hear a heartwarming songs
12. Had a quality time with yourself
13. As long you want and feel happy, that's happiness for you

Let's always smile because everyday has their own happiness :D
picture source : google

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