28 Desember 2011

Jay Chou "The World's Not Over Yet"

Hari ini ada update, klo koko Jay bikin MV baru..
As usual, koko Jay slalu bikin MV buat hampir semua lagu di album dia..
ini yg gw harapkan dari artis" korea, tp mereka ga semodal koko ternyata ahahaha..

So, the song is one of my favourite song in this album (His new album, Exclamation Mark).
Tepatnya yang paling gw suka sih.
Entah kenapa pas denger lagu ini heartwarming banget dan mengingatkan gw ke alasan - alasan kenapa gw suka ma koko Jay sejak SD dulu..

Dan seperti yang gw duga sebelumnya (maklum cm bisa nebak" dikit waktu denger lagu mandarin, yg penting dapet maknanya =p), liriknya emang ngena banget (well, gw ga membayangkan liriknya buat sepasang kekasih, tapi lebih buat buat family or best friend)

Let's check it..

This street is subsiding down, we are soon to lose our home
Yet you and I don't complain
We stop the tears in the moment
The street is a wreck, but my heart won't easily be forced back
The sky's full of snow and wind, we will face it with a smile

Holding your hand, we pass through the crossings in the city
Even if the story ends here, we will never cower away
The scene is going to change soon, we are reminded again about the loss of the forest
The sound of falling leaves cannot stop our concern

Even if the world was to fall apart
Dear, I will never shed a tear
I won't let go of that feeling of having loved
I treasure all the memories with you in them

Even if the world was to tilt
Dear, I will never say goodbye
No matter if the threat of the end looms stronger
We will not be tired if we have love

cr : http://www.jaychoustudio.com/

yang paling ngena buat gw adalah quote terakhirnya..
"有 "
.When there's is love, we won't be tired.
So guys, just love one another. Love can give us strength..
Dengan mencintai sesama dan lingkungan, dijamin kita bakal dicintai juga dan kita bakal bahagia.
Dan dengan adanya cinta itu, kita bakal selalu tersenyum dalam menghadapi hidup dan lebih berani menghadapi tantangan.. *tibatibabijak* ^^

At the end, i'm gonna say that i love my family, my friends, especially my beloved Super Family.. You are the one who can brighten my mood even when i was in the deepest and saddest situation. 有你们,我 不累,不难过,天天也很高兴。(artinya:terjemahin sendiri yahh ^^)

Let's check the MV

cr : JVRmuzic @YT

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